School Policies » Visitor Control Procedures

Visitor Control Procedures


Please review the following Staten Island Technical High School guidelines and reminders regarding Visitor Protocol Procedures each morning:


Daily Entry into School

  • The main entrance must be covered by a Safety Agent or other appropriate school staff person from the time the Custodian opens the building until the end of the school day. The NYPD School Safety Division will assign a School Safety Agent (S.S.A.) to the main entrance. When a school's designated S.S.A. is not at that location, the Principal(s) shall designate an appropriate alternate person to be stationed at the main entrance. This person will follow the same visitor control procedures that the S.S.A. must perform.
  • Signs should be posted at the main entrance informing visitors that they must stop at the desk to sign in and show photo identification. A visitor entering the building will be requested to provide at least one (1) item of valid photo identification (for example, this may include a driver’s license, foreign or US passport, or consulate identification card. Parents who do not have acceptable photo identification shall not be denied access to their children’s school. Where acceptable photo identification cannot otherwise be made and there is no other reason to deny access, the principal/designee, who may be the parent coordinator, must be contacted.
  • The principal/designee will then escort the parent to the office they are visiting and at the conclusion of the meeting, escort the parent out of the building. A phone call is to be made prior to the classroom/person/office the individual is visiting to alert them and ask if it is permissible that this individual visit them. At no time should an individual be allowed to walk through the building without an escort and visit their intended person/office/classroom if contact has NOT been made.
  • The S.S.A. or staff member on duty at the main entrance will record the date, time, visitor’s name and visitor’s destination in the Log Book. All visitors are required to sign next to the entry made by the S.S.A. or staff person on duty. All visitors are required to wear a Guest Lanyard, which is returned to the Main Desk upon leaving.
  • When previously graduated students wish to enter the building, they are to advise the School Safety Agent whom they intend to visit. School Safety or Staff member at the main should contact said person and ask if this visit is permissible at the time. At no time should previously graduated students be allowed to walk through the building if the intended individual who is to be visited has NOT granted permission to be visited.
  • If a staff member provides permission to be visited, said staff member has the responsibility to maintain and escort said visitor. When the visit is over, said visitor should be escorted to exit out of the main entrance of the building.