Academic Honesty Policy
- Students at Staten Island Technical High School are expected to always produce and submit authentic work products originating from the student whose name appears on the assignment.
- Students are expected to adhere to the school’s Academic Honesty Policy at all times to uphold personal and community integrity.
- All members of the community, inclusive of our school, colleges and universities take academic honesty very seriously.
- Students are expected to know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable academic behavior. Ignoring the rules is no excuse. Student work is to be completed solely by the individual unless the instructor specifically states that cooperative work is acceptable.
- All instances of Academic Dishonesty will be reported to the NHS Faculty Council which may result in a student not being accepted to or removed from the National Honor Society. Note: Two instances of Academic Dishonesty will cause disqualification for junior year induction; however, the students excluded for this reason during junior year may be re-evaluated for induction as a senior. Three instances of Academic Dishonesty will cause immediate disqualification, with no chance of re-evaluation.
- Infractions of the school-wide Academic Honesty Policy will cause consequences which are outlined below.
- All occurrences of Academic Dishonesty will automatically result in a Dean’s Referral (please also notify the student’s Guidance Counselor). Deans will meet with the student and the teacher will be invited to attend this meeting at their own discretion. Deans will contact the student’s Caregiver to communicate the occurrence of academic dishonesty.
- Dean’s Referrals for Academic Dishonesty will be submitted to the National Honor Society (NHS) Faculty Council, the Scholarship Committee, Sports Coaches, After-School Activities (example: SING, Spring Musical, Student Organization, Clubs, etc.), and the College Office.
- The student may be removed from extracurricular activities
- Any student who conducts an infraction of academic dishonesty will be scheduled for a Guidance Conference.
- Any instance of Academic Dishonesty must lead to a grade reduction for “Responsibility” in Habits of Success for that Marking Period.
- In addition, a grade of “0” will be entered for the assignment in the “Learning Progress” section of the SITHS Universal Grading Policy.
The Dean will schedule a Caregiver Conference with the Assistant Principal of that Department. At this conference, the following will take place:
- Discussion regarding student’s academic dishonesty where the instructor may be present.
- Notification that the student will be temporarily removed from extracurricular activities for a length of time determined by the principal*
- AP and Dean will give a written warning regarding the measures taken should a 3rd occurrence of Academic Dishonesty take place.
The Dean will schedule a Principal’s conference with caregivers and the student where the instructor may be present. At this conference, the following will take place:
- Student will receive a Principal’s Suspension.
- Formal notification by the Principal informing both the student and caregiver that the student has been suspended from extracurricular activities* for the length of time decided by the Principal.
- Formal notification by the Principal informing both student and caregiver that this 3rd occurrence of Academic Dishonesty with a Principal’s Suspension may result in notification to the student’s intended college choices.
- The College Guidance Counselor may notify the student’s intended college choices of the student’s occurrences of Academic Dishonesty.
*Extracurricular Activities include, but are not limited to, PSAL sports, leisure trips, clubs, musicals/SING, Student Organization, jobs/internships, etc.
If CHEATING is suspected, then the following ACTION IS TO BE TAKEN BY INSTRUCTOR:
- Instruct the student to hand over all unauthorized testing materials and/or devices utilized for cheating (if applicable).
- If the student is found to be cheating during the exam, the subject class instructor may change the individual’s seat and must allow them to finish the exam.
- The instructor is to wait until AFTER the assessment to speak with the student on their alleged cheating in a confidential setting, away from other students.
- The instructor will create a Dean’s Referral, which will also be shared with the Guidance Counselors.
- If cheating has been substantiated by the Dean’s Office, a grade of “0” is to be entered as the assessment grade.
- The Dean will have a meeting with the student and the instructor may be present.
- The Dean will contact the Caregiver via phone.
If PLAGIARISM is suspected, then the following ACTION IS TO BE TAKEN BY INSTRUCTOR:
- The instructor is to CLEARLY document in writing, on the original student work, their reasons for concluding that the "work product" in question has been plagiarized.
- The instructor should save a copy of the original student work containing the instructor's conclusions for plagiarism.
- If a subject class instructor determines that a student's paper is plagiarized, the instructor will generate a Dean’s Referral, which will also be shared with the Guidance Counselor.
- If plagiarism has been substantiated by the Dean’s Office, a grade of “0” is to be entered as the assessment grade.
- The Dean will have a meeting with the student and the instructor may be present.
- The Dean will contact the Caregiver via phone.
If COLLUDING (cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others) is suspected, then the following ACTION IS TO BE TAKEN BY INSTRUCTOR:
- The instructor is to CLEARLY document in writing, on the original student work, their reasons for concluding that the "work product" in question has been colluded.
- The instructor should save a copy of the original student work containing the instructor's conclusions for collusion.
- If a subject class instructor determines that a student's paper is colluded, the instructor will generate a Dean’s Referral, which will also be shared with the Guidance Counselor.
- If collusion has been substantiated by the Dean’s Office, a grade of “0” is to be entered as the assessment grade.
- The Dean will have a meeting with the student and the instructor may be present
- The Dean will contact the Caregiver via phone.
Academic Dishonesty during standardized testing for Regent exams, and College Board exams like Advanced Placement and PSAT/SAT: Specific guidelines are provided by New York State and the College Board which will be followed.