11th & 12th Grade Students
After becoming more informed about the jobs available to them by researching and exploring career fields they are interested in, students should begin the Career Preparation stage of the Work-Based Learning Sequence. This is the final stage of their high school experience where students spend their last two years working both paid and unpaid internships in the field(s) of their interest. They should also continue attending workshops, visiting colleges and job sites, job shadowing, and even participating in summer programs.
As an 11th or 12th grade student the options are the same for both years. We strongly encourage you to select courses of interest so that you can build depth of knowledge in a field, which will help you make better decisions about future courses, college major and ultimately your career. The course descriptions are linked below and are broken down by field of study.
Electronics & Green Technology: 2 Term, Elective
Electronics is a full year course offered at Staten Island Technical High School that will cover theoretical concepts of digital components and circuitry, and then reinforce it in the lab setting by using National Instruments “Multisim 11” software. Two Makerspace hands-on projects - designing and building Digital Clock/Timer and Portable Bluetooth Speaker are part of the electronics curriculum.
Students will gain core knowledge and applications of principles representative of the various fields of study within the Engineering industry including Green Technologies such as solar and wind power. The Electronics two-term curriculum will enable students to explore various aspects of circuit theory with direct and alternating current. This includes analysis of various types of circuits using passive and active components and is complemented with the use of virtual lab activities that reinforce what students learn. The second term curriculum builds on previous knowledge of circuit theory to explore the effects of components such as inductors, capacitors, filters, transistors, amplifiers etc. This leads into basic understanding of radio and amplifier circuits in communications. The use of National Instruments “Multisim 11” lab software activities enhances and reinforces this instruction.
The following topics will be covered:
- Number Systems: Binary, Hex, and Octal.
- Boolean Algebra – Algebraic, Standard, Canonical, and Karnaugh Forms of Boolean Functions.
- Optimization of Boolean Functions. two through five variables functions simplification using K-Map Method.
- Combinational Logic – (SSI – Small Scale Integration) – Gate Diagrams, Decision Making Digital Circuits.
- Optimizing circuits for cost, speed, and size.
- MSI (Medium Scale Integration) and PLD’s ( Programmable Logic Devices)
- The following components will be covered: Adders, Multiplexers, ROM’s, Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA), and Programmable Array Logic (PAL).
- Synchronous Sequential Logic (Memory Elements) – JK, D, T, and RS Flip-Flops.
Fundamentals of Engineering: 2 Terms, Elective
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) is a dynamic upper level high school survey course intended to expose students to the principles and concepts encountered in a post-secondary engineering course of study. Students employ mathematical and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. They develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges, documenting their work and communicating solutions to peers and members of the professional community. Students will further advance their computer aided design (CAD) and building skills developed in the prerequisite STEM course, via hands-on applications that utilize Autodesk Inventor Professional and the TETRIX Robotics platform, to produce larger scale viable design solutions to any associated problems. Core topics will include, but are not limited to, the design process, energy transfer, fluid and electrical power, green energy, robotics and control systems, flight mechanics, kinematics, electronic design, structural member properties, and a capstone challenge. Students can expect to survey mechanical, civil, architectural, environmental, electrical, computer, aeronautical, aerospace, information, manufacturing, and industrial engineering fields through a blend of theoretical, virtual, and hands-on applications.
Advanced Computer Aided Design (C.AD.) / Civil Engineering and Architecture , 2 Terms, Elective
Visit https://www.sitechcad.com/our-cad-classes.html for more information.
In order to take Advanced CAD you must have completed our first CAD class in good standing and complete an application. On it you speak about your reasons to take the course and do a short independent CAD exercise. The purpose of Advanced CAD is to choose a career driven specialty area and develop a professional level portfolio to use when applying for college, internships, and a job.
If you make it into the course, during the first week you choose a specialty area. The areas focus on a different Autodesk CAD program built for the industry that is chosen. All students should have knowledge of AutoCAD usage and probably have experienced one or two others in regular CAD or Principles of Engineering. The programs are Revit, Inventor Professional, and Blender/3DS Max. Below you can look at popular examples of those specialty areas. Green Architecture, Biomedical Engineering, and 3D Modeling in Media. Other examples include Mechanical Eng, Automotive Eng, Aerospace Eng, CGI Special Effects, or really any other career that has a CAD as a foundational tool.
Green Architecture and Design – Autodesk Revit with Enscape 3D: This branch will feature projects in designing and analyzing structures with the purpose of them being environmentally friendly. Solar panels, geothermal wells, wind turbines, bike racks, etc. are all aspects of this. The structures will vary and include homes, public buildings, and building complexes. BIM (Building Information Management) is a required piece of knowledge for a student going into studying this material. Revit and some of its plugins will be used to design and analyze the structures. AutoCAD may be used to supplement, as well as others with approval. Some projects will be driven by public grant contests, scholarship pieces, etc.
Anyone interested in Architecture, Civil Engineering, or Structural Engineering would be choosing this branch of the class. Combining Green Design techniques with those fields is required in modern times and anyone with experience in this design work will carry valuable portfolio pieces with them. Sustainable design is a very lucrative area of this type of work because much of the current workforce is under-skilled in this field.
Biomedical Engineering or Biotechnology – Autodesk Inventor Professional: This branch will feature projects designing artificial pieces that assist humans in living their lives. Examples include prosthetic limbs, pacemakers, or ocular implants. We will be using real MRI data to build “plates” to be used for skull reconstruction and other bone “replacements” via modeling and then 3D printing. Some projects will be driven by public grant contests, scholarship pieces, etc.
Biomedical engineering is a blend of Engineering (mechanical, electrical) and Medicine. For those interested in Engineering but are fascinated by the medical field (or vice versa), this class will help you further your understanding of modern technology used for surgical or assistive purposes. Building several portfolio pieces in this area of design will be valuable to your college application and scholarship process. The instructor is alive today due to these advancements, ask about it!
3D Modeling for Media with Animation – Autodesk 3DS Max: This branch will feature projects in 3D modeling for video games, VR, television, and CGI movies. The modeling will include characters, structures, and effects. Rendered animation or interactive animation will also be a component of your design projects. Examples include characters from games like Fallout, movies like Shrek, or animated TV shows like Star Wars Rebels. You will explore different modeling techniques in 3DS Max primarily.
This field of 3D modeling for media blends art and technology. You may wish to explore other programs while in the course such as Maya, Rhino, or Blender. I hope to also incorporate your skills learned in our TV Studio class and possibly do some green screen work.
Unlike the first CAD class, in Advanced CAD there are very few demonstrations that come from the instructor's thoughts. This is due to the students working on their OWN INDEPENDENT TRACK of projects in one of the programs above. If the tracks do not fit the student, then they and the instructor can craft a new track that still uses one of the main CAD software experiences. As mentioned, a popular deviation is Automotive design. During the course of the year students regularly conference with the instructor, who grades them based on progress that is positive and timely, based on their status during the previous conference. Grades are NOT from completed projects because projects will vary wildly in scale for each student. During project design, the students are required to maintain a LIVE design document that is shared with the instructor. This is where communication takes place in between conferences and notes are added during conferences. The contents of this LIVE document will evolve into being a narrative of the student's work complete with pictures and other media into an online portfolio where the students can speak to their design process with precision because of the documentation.
There is NO homework other than the students desires to research for their projects and prepare resources. There are no exams and no required certifications, however students are encouraged strongly to take more User level Certiport exams in their field (Revit, Inventor, Max) and urged to consider taking the Professional tier exam for a greatly reduced fee due to a special coupon our students are granted access to when they are active in Staten Island Tech.
Design & Fabrication “Makerspace” - (Grades 10, 11 or 12 - 2 Terms)
Design and Fabrication (D&F) is a full-year elective open to grades 10-12, that takes place in the SITHS Makerspace. The Makerspace is fully equipped with fine art materials, tools, and machinery including a CNC router, and a Plasma Table. The ideal student is one interested in fine arts, fabrication, technology, and engineering. This class will build upon the skills students may already have and develop new ones. Students will have the opportunity to design and develop their own passion projects.
In addition to developing their own projects, throughout the year students will assist their peers in the Makerspace as apprentices. Subject teachers will bring down their classes for project-based learning (PBL) assignments at which time D&F students will assist them with safety, developing their projects, painting, sculpture, woodworking, and using machinery/tools, among other things.
The following topics and skills will be covered but are not limited to:
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Woodworking
- Fabrication
- Product Design and Development
In addition to the skills listed above, students will learn career and life skills such as time management, interpersonal communication, community projects, and collaboration as they work with their peers to produce all of these projects.
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles, 2 Terms, Elective
There are two versions of the course that you can choose from. Both versions of AP CS Principles culminate in an AP exam. https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-computer-science-principles
Python: The Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course centers on the python programming language and provides an introduction to the basic principles of computer science (CS).
The lessons and materials used by students incorporate programming while also integrating all other AP CSP big ideas: creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, the internet and global impact. The curriculum engages students and supports the development of problem solving skills honing in on the computational thinking practices as indicated in the AP CSP curriculum framework. Students learn to create socially useful computational artifacts using Python.
The curriculum also emphasizes communication and collaboration in a project-based approach and classroom environment. This course involves a strong writing component. Students will maintain a portfolio of their work, which will include several performance tasks in the areas of programming and the impact of computing technology.
JavaScript: For students who are interested in building user interfaces AND/OR backend databases. This course is a rigorous project-based curriculum centered around building skills desired in the industry. Students will continue to learn key front-end development concepts in JavaScript while building a GitHub portfolio of web-based projects. Students will then transition to a focus area of their choosing. Data Visualization, Reactive User Interfaces, Design and backend server architecture are among the specializations offered. Students may choose to learn backend architecture using Python. The skills in this course are directly transferable to other programming languages.
The curriculum also emphasizes communication and collaboration in a project-based approach and classroom environment. Students will maintain a portfolio of their work, which will include several performance tasks in the areas of programming and the impact of computing technology.
Advanced Computer Applications & Development (Grade 11 or 12 - 2 Terms)
Advanced Audio/Video Engineering & TV Studio 1: 2 Terms, Elective
Advanced A/V Engineering 1 is a full year elective that builds upon what was learned in Intro to A/V. During the first term, more in-depth techniques and skills are covered in class and students produce a series of short videos to demonstrate these new concepts, which include shot composition, chroma keying (green screen), and more advanced capabilities of the Adobe Premiere Pro editing software. During the second term, students will produce more complex studio productions, such as an in-studio interview and a news program. We finish the year with students working in groups to reproduce a film scene. Throughout the year, students will not only hone their filmmaking and video production abilities but also cultivate various job skills such as time management, interpersonal communication, and collaboration as they work with their peers to produce all of these projects.
Advanced Audio/Video Engineering & TV Studio 2 & 3: 2 Terms, Elective
Students who excel in Advanced AV 1 and wish to continue their video production education can elect to take Advanced A/V 2 and Advanced A/V 3. These courses are combined into one class period, so the class is made up of a mixture of juniors and seniors. The major project in both Advanced AV 2 & 3 is the production of “The SIT Down,” a bi-weekly news program made for the entire school community. “The SIT Down” combines both studio and mobile production at a very technically complex level. The program is a collaboration of the entire class, with Advanced 2 students serving on the general crew positions and Advanced 3 taking on the more leadership-oriented producer roles. This demanding undertaking will draw on all the skills and talents that students have developed in Intro to A/V and Advanced A/V Engineering 1, as they will now be the engineers utilizing the technology in the school’s professional-grade television studio. Other projects throughout these courses include a short film, a public service announcement, multiple news story field packages, as well as an opportunity to serve on the crew of various productions for the school community as needed throughout the year.
College Now Communications and Mass Media: 1 Term, Elective
Career Financial Management & Intro to Entrepreneurship, 2 Terms, Required
Work Based Learning Internship: 1 - 2 terms, Elective
The SITHS Career Development Center “CDC” has established multiple partnerships and funding sources to offer employment and paid or unpaid internship opportunities to hundreds of SITHS students. This internship course is an elective class which can be taken multiple times throughout your high school career. It is designed so that students can leave school early to accommodate the needs of the position. The job must meet eligibility requirements. This “offsite” course will combine a number of in-class meetings with the hours worked in the internship to satisfy the course total requirements that all students must have.
- The Work-Based Learning Internship course meets in school, usually once a week, during 9th period.
- The rest of the week, you will have period 9 free to work your Work-Based Learning/Internship opportunity.
- If you register for this course, you are expected to secure an internship or experience that is in alignment with NYC Department of Education regulations and NYS Labor Laws. The specifics of this will be elaborated in the class.
- Both paid and unpaid experiences can be eligible.
- Paid experiences can originate with SITHS CDC funding sources, or with external businesses or programs that fund your position, such as through our school’s partnership with DYCD and Grant Associates.
- Unpaid experiences, such as certain special programs like ACE Mentorship, can be eligible.
- All work-based learning experiences must be approved by the Work Based Learning Coordinator and the Career Development Center.
The in-class portion of the course will instruct and challenge students on refining their professional skills and prepare them to work with SITHS business partners and local businesses throughout New York City. This course will support students as they understand the resources needed for finding a job, explore career paths that align with their interests and strengths, and support them with professional development while working in an internship.
Students who are interested in the architecture/engineering fields have a higher percentage opportunity of obtaining a paid internship (sponsored by the SITHS CDC) with Designer’s Edge, a nationally recognized architecture survey firm. Students who are interested in the A/V engineering field also have a higher percentage opportunity to work with Gotham Trinity Productions, a film and media production company.
Students who have questions about this unique course option should come to the SITHS Career Development Center in room 229 for further information.