Advanced Placement Courses » Teacher Recommendation Rubrics

Teacher Recommendation Rubrics

This rubric will be used for determining department “Teacher Recommendations” for advanced placement and elective classes.The rubric score designation assigned to a particular student may not be fully descriptive of the student. However, the candidate was placed in a category because he/she best fits most or all of the category descriptors. Teacher Recommendation Score Will Be Either 3, 5, 7, or 10
3: The student lacks organization and/or academic ability to succeed in the AP course. The content and writing skills required for this high level course may not yet be fully developed. The student does inconsistent work.
5: The student has the potential to succeed in the AP course but lacks organization and study skills, or the student is extremely organized and hard working but may have difficulty with the content.
7: The student is generally organized, diligent and demonstrates understanding and enthusiasm for the subject matter. He or she occasionally contributes with pertinent information and questions to the class discussions. The student most likely has the academic capability to succeed in the AP course.
10: The student is organized, diligent and demonstrates mastery and enthusiasm for the subject matter. He or she contributes often with pertinent information and questions to the class discussions. The student has the academic capability to succeed in the AP course.