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Pivot to Remote Landing Page



Posted (2/12/2024)


Good day students, parents and caregivers. 


For Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the NYC Mayor, Eric Adams and NYC Public Schools Chancellor, David Banks, has designated a Remote School Day due to incoming inclimate weather.


SITHS Remote School Day Protocol for SITHS

  • ASSIGNMENTS: Asynchronous work will be posted by teachers for all scheduled periods for Tuesday, February 13th to the respective Google Classroom of each class.
  • LIVE ZOOM / MEET: A teacher, at their discretion, may also choose to meet synchronously via Zoom or Google Meet at the designated time of the scheduled class according to the standard bell schedule below. The teacher will post instructions for Tuesday, February 13th on the Google classroom ahead of time on Monday, February 12th if there is an expectation for synchronous instruction. Please see the schedule below:
  • ATTENDANCE: Their will be a mandatory 3rd Period Synchronous Zoom / Google Meet session and a Google Attendance Survey administered with all scheduled 3rd Period teachers in order for official attendance to be recorded for Tuesday, February 13.
    • All students MUST LOG ON by 9:30 AM to be marked present during this Synchronous Zoom or Google Meet session.
    • The teacher will also post an Attendance Survey for students to complete in addition to attending the LIVE Zoom or Google Meet.
    • The student’s 3rd period teacher will post the meeting link via the Google Classroom.
  • REPORTING AN ABSENCE: If a student will be absent for remote instruction on this day, please continue to follow the protocol for reporting an absence by using the Absence Reporting form.
  • EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CANCELED: All scheduled afterschool activities, including PSAL practices or games are canceled for Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
  • NEED SUPPORT / GUIDANCE COUNSELOR: If a student needs to reach out to their Guidance Counselor / Social worker during the Remote Day, please use the the STAY IN TOUCH reference on the bit.ly/SITHSLandingPage to look up the respective Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal.
  • QUESTIONS: Should you have any further questions or concerns, please email Ms. Malenfant at [email protected], or use the the STAY IN TOUCH reference on the bit.ly/SITHSLandingPage to look up an Assistant Principal or Guidance Counselor.