Mathematics » Algebra I

Algebra I

Algebra I is the first course offered in high school Mathematics. Most students who come to Staten Island Technical High School will have already taken Algebra I in their Middle School and have successfully passed the NYS Regents Exam for the course. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to confirm that the middle school properly documents both the course and test grade on their official transcript prior to the start of the school year. Students lacking the documentation will automatically be programmed for Algebra I. 

The Algebra I course set forth here is not the algebra of 30 years ago. The focal point of this course is the algebra content strand. Algebra provides tools and ways of thinking that are necessary for solving problems in a wide variety of disciplines, such as science, business, social sciences, fine arts, and technology. This course will assist students in developing skills and processes to be applied using a variety of techniques to successfully solve problems in a variety of settings. 

Problem situations may result in all types of linear equations in one variable, quadratic functions with integral coefficients and roots as well as absolute value and exponential functions. Coordinate geometry will be integrated into the investigation of these functions allowing students to make connections between their analytical and geometrical representations. Problem situations resulting in systems of equations will also be presented. Alternative solution methods should be given equal value within the strategies used for problem solving. For example, a matrix solution to a system of equations is just as valid as a graphical solution or an algebraic algorithm such as elimination. Measurement within a problem-solving context will include calculating rates using appropriate units and converting within measurement systems. Data analysis including measures of central tendency and visual representations of data will be studied. An understanding of correlation and causation will be developed and reasonable lines of best fit will be used to make predictions. Students will solve problem situations requiring right triangle trigonometry. Elementary probability theory will be used to determine the probability of events including independent, dependent and mutually exclusive events.
  • Students will sit for a NYS Regents Examination at the end of this course.
  • Electronic Devices are fully integrated in class. Students will have access to online textbooks as well as the Math XL homework program.
  • Textbook: Algebra I Common Core, HMH 
  • Graphing Calculator Required