Parents » Automated Telephone Message Directory

Automated Telephone Message Directory


Welcome to Staten Island Technical High School’s                       718-667-3222

Automated Telephone Directory

  • This call may be recorded for security purposes.
  • If you know your party´s extension, you may dial it at any time. (Number in parentheses)
  • If you would like to contact a teacher please go to the Tech website at Click on “About Us” then “Faculty/Staff” to send an email. Calls cannot be made to classrooms.
  • Please listen carefully to the following Options as our menu has changed.  

Press 1: for the School Nurse, Coordinator of Student Activities, Parent Coordinator, Alumni Association, Dean´s Office, the Athletic Director, or the PTA Office

For the:

School Nurse, press 1   (1111)

Coordinator of Student Activities, press 2  (6521)

Parent Coordinator, press 3   (1171)

Alumni Association, press 4  (1172)

Dean’s Office, press 5   (2301)

Athletic Director, press 6   (1541)

PTA Office, press 7 (1173)

Press 2: to speak with Pupil Accounting, the College Office, Supply Room, Budget and Personnel, the Principal´s Office, and to Order a Transcript or Graduation document

For the:

    Pupil Accounting, press 1   (1251)

    College Office, press 2   (1391)

    Supply Room, press 3   (1081)

          Budget & Personnel Office, press 4   (1213)

          Principal´s Office, press 5   (1191)

         Order a Transcript or Graduation Document, press 6 (1392)

Press 3: to speak with a Guidance Counselor or the Social Worker


        Mrs. Barnett, press 1   (1271)

        Miss Devine in the College Office, press 2   (1391)

        Mrs. Ecker, press 3   (1371)

        Mrs. Ferrigno, press 4  (1341)

        Mr. Maddaluno, press 5    (1373)

        Mrs. Pisano, Social Worker, press 6   (2522)

        Mrs. Vinci, press 7   (1372)

 Press 4: to reach an Assistant Principal    

Dr. Davis,  AP Organization, press 1   (1213)
Mr. Manzo,  Social Studies, Technology, and CTE, press 2   (2291)
Mrs. Sanguinedo,  English, Band, Performing Arts, Physical Education, and Student Activities, press 3   (3311)
Mrs. Kirschbaum,  Guidance, College Office, and Security, press 4   (1221)
Mr. Dellegrazie, Mathematics, Russian, and High School Admissions, press 5 (2191)
Mrs. Rodriguez, Science and Testing, press 6 (3191)


Press 5 if this is a medical emergency.  Otherwise, please press 1171 for the Parent Coordinator.


Press "0" to replay the Directory Menu.